Sunday, June 24, 2012

Energizer and Nuffnang Power My Lifestyle

Energizer and Nuffnang power my lifestyle through providing energy to supply my laptop and mobile phone. With this I will be able to be connected anywhere. I can blog, I can meet my clients and have presentations without worrying about my battery. 

I can live my whole day in a "Portable World".

I always use energizer because it is really long lasting. Definitely more efficient than other brands. The price is really worth it. 

It has "power seal technolgy" that can lock in power for up to 10 years, amazing! 

As an Architect I would recommend this for battery operated gadgets, remotes, or anything in your house to be energy efficient. As we all know disposing batteries are  harmful to the environment. 

Think Green! Better consume less batteries, less recycle, less cost. 

Energizer is absolutely more with less.

Thanks to Energizer:

The Makers of the 

World’s Longest Lasting Batteries

Smoking Isn't Sexy

Definitely true, SMOKING indeed is undeniably NOT SEXY. Smoking feels good, some people are even proud to be smokers because it has the pleasure, the lifestyle and social bonding. They believe that smoking is a personal choice, so they are demanding us... TO LEAVE THEM ALONE. 

So why smoke? To be alone? To feel good? I thought it's for social bonding? But why are you smoking in public? Is it a personal choice? But the other people who don't smoke smells your "second hand smoke" which is a way more dangerous, so this means... this is not a personal choice. It's everybody's right to breathe fresh air. 

Sad to say but few people will realize the implications of smoking during such an advertisement or movie, and this is the reason why people still view smoking as acceptable and even "cool".

The truth is smoking is REALLY FAR from sexy, when you consider the results.
Here are the UGLY and DISGUSTING things that will happen to you if you smoke:

1. Waking up choking and coughing up wads of phlegm (gross!!!)

2. Smoking smells. The smell of smoke stays in your skin, hair, and clothing. If you are smoking frequently, you probably won't notice this because you are used to the smell.
3. Chronic bad breath. Would someone ever kiss a woman with bad breath? I don't think so... 
4. Yellow teeth, dark lips. (scary..are you really a girl if you have this?)
5. Skin aging. Everyone of us wants the fountain of youth. Why bother putting tons of facial creams if you are smoking? 
6. This is the worst part for women... Development of Facial Hair

This things don't add up to sexiness, it will only make you ugly.. so QUIT IT it if you want to live the rest of your life beautiful and undeniably SEXY.